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Our Expertise

TAYLOR GROUP, INC. (TGI) provides professional geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, and environmental site assessment services to a growing list of clients in both the public and private sectors who rely on TGI to deliver comprehensive, multi-disciplinary solutions for their projects. TGI is committed to serving the specific needs and unique requirements of our clients and to maintaining the ethical and technical standards of our profession. This commitment starts with the experience and expertise of our professionals in understanding how to achieve cost-effective solutions that are right for your project and budget.


Our ability to provide a range of professional services under one roof helps to streamline project delivery, reduce costs and control risks.

TGI provides comprehensive geotechnical consulting services for projects ranging from custom homes to large public works projects. 


Our engineers and geologists have experience in the performance of site and subsurface investigations, geologic and seismic hazard evaluations throughout southern California and elsewhere in the United States. We utilize conventional subsurface investigative techniques as well as the most recent in situ testing methodologies. We perform geotechnical testing in our in-house soil mechanics laboratory. And we have the analytical tools required for both routine geotechnical analyses such as foundation design and slope stability to more complex analyses such as seismic response and soil-structure interaction.


We provide construction observation and testing for earthwork/grading operations, foundation construction, shoring and retaining wall construction.



TGI provides comprehensive civil engineering services during the planning/entitlement, design/permitting and construction phases of a range of land development projects.  


Our civil engineering services are primarily focused on commercial and residential infill and redevelopment projects and larger custom homes.  


These services are typically provided in conjunction with TGI's geotechnical and environmental site assessment services, providing our clients with the option of obtaining comprehensive solutions from one consultant rather than two or three different consultants.  This means seamless engineering design, less coordination, faster project delivery and lower cost. 







TGI provides a range of environmental site assessment and remediation services to support our clients manage environmental issues related to toxic substances in soil and groundwater.


We are highly experienced at planning and executing remedial investigations under various local, state, and federal programs and protocols utilizing accepted environmental investigation techniques for wide-ranging site and subsurface conditions.


We have developed, permitted and implemented remedial action plans for sites where soil and/or groundwater have been impacted by many different types of contaminants including petroleum hydrocarbons, halogenated solvents, PCBs, pesticides, and toxic metals. We have successfully completed remedial actions to both statutory and risk-based cleanup levels using a variety of approaches for contaminant recovery, offsite disposal and onsite/in situ treatment

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